The DICE 2010 model, developed by Professor William Nordhaus of Yale University, is the most widely used model of the economics of climate change. webDICE is an online simulation of this model which allows users to see the effects of climate change on the economy and society.
The default values in the model only present the user with one set of projected potential impacts. In order to understand the range of potential impacts as a result of climate change, the user can adjust parameters within the model to reflect differing beliefs about climate, the economy and the future.
This model has been developed by researchers at the University of Chicago supported by RDCEP. We are continually working to improve the model and the interface. If you have suggestions, please contact David Weisbach at d-weisbach@uchicago.edu or Nathan Matteson at nmatteso@depaul.edu.
Standard inputs
The standard inputs section is designed for students and new users. By limiting the set of adjustable variables to those deemed most important, users can view the predicted effects of their beliefs about the climate, the economy and the future.
Advanced inputs
The advanced inputs section is designed for more experienced users. The complete set of adjustable variables has been made available, allowing the user to assess the effect their beliefs have on the model.